Sunday, 8 April 2007

Join Us.......

Join Us.......

Would YOU like to join us here in Freedom's Place? We welcome anyone who are regular readers of any of the contributors to this blog, who wish to put in their own two cent's worth, and join in a dialogue that spans all the world's cultures, mindsets, and lifestyles. You can consider yourself conservative, liberal, or simply middle of the road, and have equally valid points of view to contribute to this continuing discussion. Not everybody will agree with you, but wouldn't it be boring if they did? All we ask is that you understand the concept of respect, open-mindedness, and responsibility. Simply send an e-mail to the administrator, and you will be considered for membership, according to an ancient vetting process that involves running a gauntlet of wet noodles, wrestling a panda in a tub of jello, and a hefty bribe in Canadian dollars. Except on Tuesdays. I don't recommend trying to join on Tuesdays. You don't want to know.